Term-II Final Syllabus

2nd Term Syllabus & 30% of 1st Term
Grade VIII
1.     Where Love is God is (adapted)
2.     The Last Leaf (adapted) 
3.     Dusk
4.     The Lady with the Lamp
1.     The Inchcape Rock
2.     Songs of Innocence – Introduction
3.     The Man He Killed
4.     Ozymandias
1.     Ch1-13
1.     Adverbs
2.     Prepositions
3.     Conjunctions
4.     Direct and Indirect Speech
5.     Active and Passive Voice
6.     Transformation of Sentences
7.     Idioms
8.     Determiners
9.     Tenses
10.   Subject Verb Agreement
1.     Comprehension
2.     Descriptive Writing
3.     Letter Writing (Formal)
4.     Article Writing
5.     Story Writing
6.     Speech Writing
7.     Report Writing
8.     Diary Writing

1.        डॉ.. पी. जे. अब्दुल कलाम
2.        अंडमान निकोबार
3.        माँ
4.        गिल्लू
5.        स्वामी विवेकानंद
1.      चींटी
2.      तुम हमारी चोटियों की बर्फ़ को मत यूँ कुरेदो
3.      फूल और काँटे
4.      हमारा देश
1.        अविकारी शब्द
2.        अनेक शब्दों के लिए एक शब्द
3.        विराम-चिह्न
4.        अशुद्धि-शोधन
5.        मुहावरे और लोकक्तियाँ(पुन:अभ्यास)
6.        क्रिया
7.        काल
8.        कारक / परसर्ग
9.        सर्वनाम
10.     विशेषण
11.     पर्यायवाची शब्द

1.        अपठित गद्यांश (पुन:अभ्यास)
2.        अपठित पद्यांश (पुन:अभ्यास)
3.        निबंध-लेखन
4.        कहानी-लेखन(पुन:अभ्यास)
5.        पत्र-लेखन (अनौपचारिक / औपचारिक) (पुन:अभ्यास)
6.        अनुच्छेद-लेखन
7.        संवाद-लेखन

1.          कैमिस्ट्री
2.          सिक्का

Grade VIII
1.     Ch 15: Direct and Inverse Variation
2.     Ch 12: Surface Area and Volume
3.     Ch 17: Probability (Sub Topics: Tree diagram and Theoretical Vs Experimental Probability is omitted)
4.     Ch 18: Introduction to Graph
5.     Ch 5: Playing with Numbers (Magic square is omitted)
6.     Ch 13: Percentage and its
7.     Ch 14: Simple and Compound Interest
8.     Ch 10: Construction of Quadrilaterals
9.     Ch 16: Statistics
10.   Ch 19: Set Theory and Venn Diagrams (Venn Diagram is omitted)
11.   Ch 6: Algebraic Expressions
12.   Ch 8: Understanding Elementary   
13.   Ch 11: Perimeter and Area

Grade VIII
1.    Ch 2: Cells- The Building Blocks of Life
2.    Ch 6: The World of Elements
3.    Ch 12: Forces in Action
4.    Ch 7: Our Fossil Fuels
5.    Ch 10: The Continuity in Animal Life
6.    Ch 9: The Control Systems
7.    Ch 18: The Study of Celestial Objects
8.    Ch 17: The Radiance of Light
9.    Ch 5: The Age of Plastics
10. Ch 11: The Teen Years
11. Ch 15: The Electrical Stimulus to
12. Ch 20: Our Flora and Fauna
13. Ch 19: Risks to Life’s Essentials

1.    History: Ch 8: Education and The Colonial Rule                               
2.    History: Ch 9: Indian Renaissance               
3.    Civics: Ch 16: The Indian Parliament                                  
4.    Civics:Ch 17: The Union Executive            
5.    Civics: Ch 18: The Indian Judiciary              
6.    Geography:Ch 7: Earth’s Variable Grocery
7.    Geography:Ch 8: Generated Resources
8.    Geography:Ch 9: Generated Resources-Case Studies
9.    History:Ch 10: Art and Culture of Modern India                                                         
10. History:Ch 11: Struggle For India’s Independence                                           
11. History:Ch 12:  India: Towards Building A Nation                                                      
12. Civics:Ch 19: The Police                             
13. Civics:Ch 20: Marginalisation and Social Justice                                                      
14. Civics:Ch 21: Introduction to Economics    
15. Geography:Ch 10: People Power Studies
16. Geography:Ch 11: Earth’s Adversity
17. History:Ch 1: Traces of Modern Indian History 
18. History:Ch 2: Beginning of Colonial Rule in India                                                       
19. Geography:Ch 1: Earth’s Store House
20. Civics:Ch 14: Fundamental Rights and Duties    
21. Civics:Ch 13: Indian Constitution: A Revelation

1.    Ch 5: Programming in ‘C’
2.    Ch 6: More in Scratch 2.0
